James Risberg

schelling pointillist • reality enjoyer • vitality shill

🛋️ Space Design

The environments we spend our time in shape what we feel, what we think, how we connect. The places we are should be affirming to and enabling of the lives we’d like to lead.

I work with people in homes, offices and common spaces to understand the ways they move and to create beautiful spaces through which to do it that make them feel fantastic.

Reach out to me to discuss working together: james.risberg@gmail.com

see my projects below for a sample of what we could make together:

🌱🌞 Daylight Showroom 🌞🌱

Daylight reached out to me and the great Ara Hao to transform a mostly empty room in their office into a showroom and demo lounge that embodied their cozy, vital vibe and vision for computing.

Creating life-affirming spaces for the folks shaping the tools that may become the tools that shape us is both ridiculously fun and of vital significance.

The environments our tech is produced in have a doubly potent impact, as they shape the ways those tools are created, which in turn form the technological environment that shapes us all.



"Design is the intermediary between information and understanding." - Hans Hofmann

james.risberg at gmail.com

the app formerly known as twitter